The Bush/Cheney Oath of Loyalty, 2004
"I, (full name) ... do herby (sic) endorse George W. Bush for reelection of the United States...In signing the above endorsement you are consenting to use and release of your name by Bush-Cheney as an endorser of President Bush."
The Wehrmacht Oath of Loyalty to Adolf Hitler, 2 August 1934
"I swear by God this sacred oath that I shall render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the German Reich, supreme commander of the armed forces, and that I shall at all times be prepared, as a brave soldier, to give my life for this oath."
That is not enough: WHEN does this "oath" have to be signed?
I see no problem in someone saying they are a supporter and permit their name to be used.
The implication is that this is what needs to be signed wherever Bush speaks publicly?
"understanding"... it can't really be used without certainty. It's rumor.
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