
Tuesday, September 21, 2004

loud angry agitator

From the article:

Dirk Adams, a protester in Boston who plans to catch a ride with a friend or buy an inexpensive bus ticket, designed a button using the smiling Statue of Liberty from the city's buttons, replacing "peaceful political activist'' with "loud angry agitator."

Dirk's confession:

Friends and family,
I missed this when it originally came out. Some of
you know, I was contacted by journalist Michael Brick
after putting my name on a rideboard associated with
United for Peace and Justice. (I am still waiting for
the FBI to call). Anyhow, he mentioned me and my
response to the "Peaceful Protestor" buttons the city
of New York claimed to be distributing during the RNC.

Here's the text of his article. If anyone has a hard
copy, it would look good in my summer vaction

Love and peace,

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