
Monday, September 27, 2004

Change the Iraq Conversation

"The reason so many still support our present action in Iraq may be as simple as this: There's no other anti-terrorist activity in play. This leads to a sort of willful illogic: We must support what's happening in Iraq, even though we believe it isn't helping and may even be making us more vulnerable to terrorist attack, because otherwise we'd be doing nothing about terrorism."


G-Man said...

I doubt that what we are doing in Iraq is not terrorist related. I mean we are fighting terrorists. Perhaps that came about inadvertently or perhaps it was planned, but no one with a modicum of sense could say that Zarqawi for example, is not a terrorist.

What we have is a simple fact. Iraq has acted as a magnet, drawing terrorists out of the woodwork, like moths to a flame. Personally, I'd prefer to see the violence occuring in Iraq as opposed to seeing it going on here.

As I said before, believe what you will about the whether this was an intended effect or not, but one could hardly deny that it is indeed what has come out of it. Listen to Allawi or our troops on the ground over there and they will tell you that a good many of the attacks are being perpetrated by foreigners. I mean sure, there's certainly al-Sadr and his merry little band but a good portion of the others are from outside Iraq.

Pouring men and resources into Iraq to fight our army means that those resources are not being poured into this country. At least over there, the Americans facing those attacks are armed and trained, quite unlike most folks here.

Ken said...

The ever slippery spin of the justification of the Iraq war. Remember their connection with 9/11? So there isn't one. Remember their WMD? So there aren't any. Remember our being hailed as liberators? With rocket propelled grenades. Remember bringing democracy to Iraq? As long as the majority is disenfranchised (like W's buddies in Saudi Arabia will allow the majority Shiites to have a voice in Iraq, get real)

Now we are to believe that there are X number of terrorist in the world and we are drawing them all to Iraq. BS! What sort of Naive crap is that? We are CREATING them. And they are there because the Bush administration fucked up! Our invasion of Iraq turned people in the Middle East against us. To be feeding us sugar coated spin does not help us in our war on terror, it MAKES IT WORSE. We need FACTS now not Bushit.