
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

A Black Eye for CBS News

Ah, they should've been watching Fox.
But, ummm, what about all the other news from CBS??? I guess if they don't get it handed to them in a briefing, well, you just can't be sure.


Ken said...

From the second paragraph of the editorial:

Their existence is all the more puzzling in light of today's Times story quoting the onetime secretary of Bush's commander as saying that she recalled typing similar memos questioning Bush's service, but as casting more doubt on the ones that were obtained by CBS.So CBS was had, but apparently so have we because now any accusation of W's lack of service is false in the public mind despite, though the documents were false, they reported the truth. What the hell is THAT? Is this a Rove thing? Is this a former secretary lying?

gberke said...

"Kerry is still trying to explain his decision in 1972 to change his breakfast order from eggs to waffles."
This is brilliant.
All that is missing is the triumphal joy in the GOP that they have yet ANOTHER example of Kerry changing his mind!