Juan Cole, Professor of History at the University of Michigan, asks in his Informed Comment blog:
If America were Iraq, What would it be Like?
Also from Cole's blog this sobering fact:
The war is costing about $1 billion a week.
Are we winning the "war on terror" That's the question asked at the "Terror Debate" blog.
I recently listened to an interview with Steven Flynn on Fresh Air [..] He made the very interesting point that we are spending more every 3 days in Iraq then we have spent in the past 3 years for security at American ports, even though the government has said this is one of the most likely ways for Al Qaeda to attack us with WMD.
Non-political blogs of note:

Here is a blog that I've just fallen in love with. This, I think, is one of the great things about blogs. You get the insight of people that society does not usually allow you to interact with, like in this case an African American woman in L.A.
so, i have a personality disorder.
A tinge of bi-polar Mania...
friday night i went on a date with CRAZYCHRIS and he wasn't the one acting crazy. It was me. I turned into some crazy psycho woman right before my own eyes. i've never felt or sensed those feeling from myself before...i should seek advice from a qualified specialist.
War stats don't scale... the what if the US were Iraq is a false construct.
One could also try comparisons to Ireland, Somalia, Honduras, Los Angeles, Israel or the Palestinian camps. West Virginia? Florida?
Or, one could try Iraq BEFORE the occupation.
Besides, the REALLY big money is not being spent on the war: it's being given away in tax rebates, loop holes, malfeasance, medical "reform" and about a trillion is up for grabs (or is it 5 trillion) on the privatization of social security.
Nah, the war is small stuff. Moreover, unlike the tax nonsense, it actually creates jobs (very few soldiers are out of work, and we are cranking out all sorts of military crap... quickly retiring the old stuff and buying new and more modern stuff, research, controling population,...
A billion a week for the war. That is a lot of money.
One weeks war budget would pay 20,000 teachers for 1 year at at $50,000/year (2002 national average was $45K.)
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