
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Falwell says evangelical Christians now in control of Republican Party.

We knew this already, but I can't stand the way they brag about it. They seriously love and see nothing wrong with the idea of their church controlling our government! I respect the Christian faith, but these people are a pain in the ass. Keep your religious beliefs out of government already!

Who has a plan to rid ourselves of these anti-American lunatics?


blake said...

don't let falwell shape your view of "evangelical Christians"

gberke said...

Falwell is right on, and totally American:
"America is the greatest country in the world", etc, and everybody should be free (exactly like us) and have shopping (exactly like us) and freedom of speech (exactly like us...)
And America never shrinks from saying "We are the greatest nation on the earth ever!" and "We are the greatest power on the earth"...
It is probably much much too late to tax the churches (like Madelline Murray, American Atheist suggested years and years ago), and having conferred special privileges, social and financial, Falwell et al is an expected outcome.
And Iraq is a religious war: the Christians see that as an opportunity for conversion. And they still hunger after harvesting the Jewish holdouts.
Falwell pretty much defines current America: it's the rest of us that are anti-American, as a practical matter.

Ken said...

Thanks puddin'. It is hard to remember for some of us (me included) in these times that "evangelical" is not a curse word.