
Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I Felt the Earth Move Under My Feet

Could you feel it? The shift, in just the last day. The Kerry comeback has come back. The post GOP hate fest blip is popped; the fetid stink of Bush and Co’s lies beginning to see the purifying light of day. Here are some snippets:

The bible banned
GOP shows desperation in the south.

"A year from now I'd be surprised if there's not some grand square in Baghdad that is named after President Bush."
Richard Perle
September 22, 2003

Poll: 69% of US Jews will vote for John Kerry

The finding represents a remarkable 23 percent drop in American Jewish support for President Bush since last December.

Put Away Your Hankies...a message from Michael Moore

U.S. Troops in Iraq Gather to Watch 'Fahrenheit 9/11'; Anti-Bush sentiment growing

"Nobody I know wants Bush," says an enlisted soldier in Najaf, adding, "This whole war was based on lies." Like several others interviewed, his animosity centered on a belief that the war lacked a clear purpose even as it took a tremendous toll on US troops, many of whom are in Iraq involuntarily under "stop loss" orders that keep them in the service for months beyond their scheduled exit in order to keep units together during deployments.

# Kerry has any lead in 20 states with 270 electoral votes.
# Bush has any lead in 29 states with 253 electoral votes.

1 comment:

gberke said...

31% of Jews ARE voting for Bush! That's terrible. And what's just as bad is that 54% were voting for him a while back?
I would wonder
1) how many vote because the see Bush as "good" for Israel?
2) of those, how many think that support of Israel is good for the United States, even moreso than Israel.
Those that put Israel first: I don't like them.