George Bush 9/24/04
Maybe someone can help me understand who he is referring to. I've heard the people we're fighting in Iraq called "Insurgents" and "Terrorists", but mostly it looks like we're fighting angry Iraqi people. If GW decided to invade Canada next week, would we call the angry Canadians shooting at us "Terrorists"?
Here is a picture of some of the "terrorist insurgents" in Iraq:

People don't like it when CHRISTIANS come and "do good things"... why the hell would people love it when Americans come and "do good things." (Oh, yeah, lately, the Christians (see ATC on NPR) are poaching on the Jews again: "Hey, we just want to TALK to them!"
Yeah, and there's another guy that wants to talk to your kids about the opportunities to be had in the sex and drug trade. "I just want to TALK with them!"
When you create a space for disorder, well, disorder is what you get. One terrorist in a crowd makes the whole crowd into terrorists. One gun loose in your neighborhood, just one, and everybody stays indoors.
Perhaps if you sought the truth of the situation, you'd find that the way things are in Iraq is not as cut and dried as you've been told by the press.
You know it's their job to chase ambulances and report on exciting things because that's how they get ratings and ratings rule their world.
Below are a few links that might be used as a beginning of the search for the true status in Iraq.
Hi G-Man
Beware those who peddle "truth" (a warning I'm sure you know and take to heart but...) I appreciate your links and will check them out. But it is not a matter of "the press" versus "the truth about Iraq" group. There are many on the left who also see complicity in the press but in favor of the Iraq war. That is why the concept of the right-left duality is false. We need to hear from all sides, read what they have to say, and discuss from there.
You have to do better than this "thetruthaboutiraq" site. It is about as much of a SPIN site as I've ever seen. We're supposed to assume objectivity from this professional P.R. guy Steven Moore with his own political consulting firm? (His site says he worked for Bremer in Iraq). Give me a BREAK! He doesn't even provide supporting evidence for many of his facts! The evidence he does provide is weak that it is ridiculous. (2 days of fieldwork to characterize party leanings of the entire country!) Some of the evidence he shows counters his own statements. I love the picture of him with the bullet-proof vest on.
If you want some information from the ground, read this: Dear Mike, Iraq sucks
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