
Friday, October 29, 2004

U.S. Marines Poised to Storm Falluja and Ramadi

They weren't kidding when they said they would do this right after the election!


gberke said...

Storming the cities won't matter.
Unless they kill all the people. Everyone.
Only an Iraq with no people will be safe. There simply are not enough trusted police or military to control that country now.
Iraq has to be the adventure center of the world. It has to be THE place to be if you want to fight. It wasn't target rich before, but now? lots and lots of targets! They're called Americans.
Bush continues to damage the country: there is absolutely NO room to discuss the notion that maybe, just maybe, the US and global trade and support of oppressive regimes has to change.
And then there is this utter nonsense that they hate our freedom. How ugly.

gberke said...

Yes, the Iraqi's are people, they are human, and they are quite wonderful. But obviously, killing them is not a concern to this US government. There are over riding considerations.
We're supposed to know the body count of Amreicans, but, as I suspected, after we passed 100. then 1000, the next figure of interest might not be until 5000.
Iraqis? There is no figure of interest. Civilians or "insurgents". It is not the policy of this country to make such counts.
If you believe that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.