View this Eminem video. It's a "wow"!

News out today on the BBC website
A secret document obtained from inside Bush campaign headquarters in Florida suggests a plan - possibly in violation of US law - to disrupt voting in the state's African-American voting districts, a BBC Newsnight investigation reveals.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Griffin - Research/Communications [mailto:tgriffin@rnchq.org]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 6:34 PM
To: kporter@rpof.org; Lindy Landreaux - Political [mailto:LLandreaux@rnchq.org]; Miriam Moore - Research/Communications [mailto:MMoore@rnchq.org]; Victoria Newton - Research/Communications [mailto:VNewton@rnchq.org]; Shawn Reinschmiedt - Research/Communications [SReinschmiedt@rnchq.org]; rkammerdiner@rnchq.org; sshiver@rpof.org; bdoster@georgewbush.org
Subject: Re: caging
Tim Griffin
Research Director and
Deputy Communications Director
Republican National Committee
310 First Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
w:(202) 863-8815
f: (202) 863-8744
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelly Porter [kporter@rpof.org]
> To: Lindy Landreaux - Political [LLandreaux@rnchq.org]; Miriam Moore - Research/Communications [MMoore@rnchq.org]; Victoria Newton - Research/Communications [VNewton@rnchq.org]; Tim Griffin - Research/Communications [tgriffin@rnchq.org]; Shawn Reinschmiedt - Research/Communications [SReinschmiedt@rnchq.org]; rkammerdiner@rnchq.org [rkammerdiner@rnchq.org]; Stephen Shiver [sshiver@rpof.org]; bdoster@georgewbush.org [bdoster@georgewbush.org]
> Sent: Thu Aug 26 18:12:49 2004
> Subject: caging
> Total as of today is 1834.
> Kelly
> ATTACHMENT: Caging-1.xls
I like the violence. It's always tough to figure out the words, but enough of them came through.
Bottom line though: vote.
"nothing is ever done unless a man is willing to kill if it is not done"
Stokely Carmichael said "violence is as American as apple pie"
George Bernard Shaw said "When you vote, you just change the heads. When you shoot, you topple whole governments."
Lincoln said "It is the right of a people to overthrow their government when it no longer serves them."
Unless and until the GOP is severely marginalized, this country is at great risk: a third party is required. The Bush administration is an occupation, a coup. The notion that they will permit themselves to be voted out is almost absurd.
The Israeli settlers claim Gaza was given to them by God. Bush thinks God gave him the United States.
Here's a question: of the people that claim to be religious, what percent are actually delusional? I admit to the gracious claim that they are actually distinct mind sets.
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