
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Kerry's the One - American Conservative Magazine

I think the best arguments for Kerry are coming from the conservatives that realize they are losing their party.


gberke said...

I would note things that the Bush campaign simple does better than the Kerry campaign:
1) Bush talks about encouragine home ownership: I like that
2) Bush talks about enterprise zones: I like that
(of course, Bust does dip-squat about the stuff, for him: just words, like his total flat out lies about how his programs are good for single mothers! oy!)
3) Bush says to democrats: "your party is not as strong as I know you would like, not as dilligent about protecting the country... I'd appreciate your vote.
You would think that Kerry could have courted the conservatives, where there is a real case to be made! On many many points. Kerry is liberal, progressive, conservative. Bust is none of these: he is a one trick neo-con pony.
Why can't Kerry just strip that phoney conservative mantle off of Bush!
But I have a question: were there EVER real conservative Republicans? There were racists, there were and are corporate theives, but where was there ever a fiscal, social, philosophical conservative who actually acted that way? Eisenhower? Nixon? Ford? Reagan? Bush 41? You khow, maybe it was Bush 41! He had the balls to raise taxes when it was needed!

gberke said...

The Republicans attacked Bill Clinton and he ended the deficit and created a surplus. There is no way that Kerry could do that, not with what he has been handed.
So, the Republicans will do whatever they need, and as we saw from the impleachment process, they are willing to kill the country.
It may be that the GOP Neo-con movement must literally be beheaded to stop them. So long as they are physically safe from the effects of their own destruction, they have absolutely no reason to stop.
Such actions are NOT lowering the bar. The bar is set well above the killing of Kent State students by the National Guard. By the incompetent torture and murder of combatants. By the "oops, my bad" bombing of a dangerous looking wedding party in Iraq. By the killing of Canadian soliders "opps, my bad" in Afghanistan.
A definitive statment can be found at the Commonwealth Club of California, 10/4, by James Zogby