
Monday, October 11, 2004

Secret Agent Man

So what was all that stuff from Bush about Dred Scott in the debate? Turns out it was a code word for the abortion debate. This from the Paperwight's Fair Shot blog:

October 09, 2004
Dred Scott = Roe v. Wade

Some people seem to be a bit boggled by Bush's Dred Scott remark last night. It wasn't about racism or slavery, or just Bush's natural incoherence. Here's what Bush actually said:

If elected to another term, I promise that I will nominate Supreme Court Justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade.

Bush couldn't say that in plain language, because it would freak out every moderate swing voter in the country, but he can say it in code, to make sure that his base will turn out for him. Anti-choice advocates have been comparing Roe v. Wade with Dred Scott v. Sandford for some time now. There is a constant drumbeat on the religious right to compare the contemporary culture war over abortion with the 19th century fight over slavery, with the anti-choicers cast in the role of the abolitionists.


To me, no matter how one comes down on the issue of abortion, this is a CLEAR indication of Bush and company's inability to be forthright and honest with THE PEOPLE. By Jove man, if you take a tough stand, SAY IT. Don't hide behind code words you STINKING COWARD!

1 comment:

gberke said...

Dred Scott? My goodness. I wondered what that man was talking about. I doubt he knew. I mean, since Dred Scott was overturned, I don't see his problem: take it to the court now. (except, ummm, Dred Scott has NO bearing?)