John Edwards and Dick Cheney at the Feb 1, 2001 National Prayer Breakfast.
He is kind of silly too. Factcheck.com, mentioned by Cheney during the debate,
actually links to http://www.georgesoros.com and the headline "Why we must not re-elect president Bush"
"Senator, the first time I met you is tonight."
Dick Cheney
Sorry Matt, but the photo does not show them meeting. Thus Cheney did not lie.
From the Soros site:
"FactCheck.com Correction
We do not own the FactCheck.com domain name and are not responsible for it redirecting to GeorgeSoros.com. We are as surprised as anyone by this turn of events. We believe that Vice President Cheney intended to direct viewers of the Vice-Presidential Debate to FactCheck.org."
From the factcheck.org site
SummaryCheney wrongly implied that FactCheck had defended his tenure as CEO of Halliburton Co., and the vice president even got our name wrong. He overstated matters when he said Edwards voted "for the war" and "to commit the troops, to send them to war." He exaggerated the number of times Kerry has voted to raise taxes, and puffed up the number of small business owners who would see a tax increase under Kerry's proposals.
Edwards falsely claimed the administration "lobbied the Congress" to cut the combat pay of troops in Iraq, something the White House never supported, and he used misleading numbers about jobs.
Cheney said that in all the times that he, Cheney, had been in the Senate chambers (most Tuesday nights?) that Edwards was never there. Not once.
Edwards did not dispute that. Whatever symantic ambiguity one might find in the statement, the clear intended meaning was that Edwards was never at the senate.
Mr. Kerry could have said "Gee, for a guy that's at the Senate every Tuesday, you don't seem to know how the senate works? How'd you manage that? Where did you ever get the idea that 100 members of the senate meet late Tuesdays nights: that never happens, but you really know that don't you? So, ummm, you're just doing the L thing."
Yeah and how dare he call him "Senator Gone"? Have a look at this stellar voting record: http://www.vote-smart.org/voting_category_subject.php?can_id=CNC68243&category_name=Abortion%20Issues&year=2003
The point, G-Man, is that Cheney said he never met him, implying that the Senator was never at his job. The truth is that Cheney HAD met him. The truth by looking at the voting record is that Edwards has been there and has voted. Now you could argue that he hasn't been there enough etc. but Dick Cheney lied directly about not meeting him and Dick Cheney lied* in implying that he was never there.
(* To me it's a lie when you deliberately mislead through implication to a conclusion, that you know people will make, that is not true.)
You are absolutely correct, I did accidentally post the wrong address. The address I posted was a linked page off of the page I intended to post which is: http://www.vote-smart.org/voting_category.php?can_id=CNC68243
It would be better if the "vote-smart" gave (in addition to what they have now) the total percent of votes cast in a year and the total number of days present and missing (if those number exist). It's too much hassle to click through on each issue and see if they voted. In addition since most work is done in committees it would be good to see the member's attendance in committees.
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