
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Insurgent Alliance Is Fraying In Fallujah (

This article says the Iraqi insurgents want the foreign "helpers" out.
This makes sense. One has to wonder why this logic still evades the Palestinians: the people fighting "on your side" from within your country are NOT "on your side": they have their own agenda.


Ken said...

Yes, amazing that. Maybe there's more to it than you suggest then?

gberke said...

The Palestinians were never going to come out of this with everything they wanted (especially the part where Israel is dismantled)... Yet there are tons and tons of wonderful kind and talented Palestinians who just want to live and work and they have the talent to prosper, but they will just not get the chance.
I cannot see what a people cannot compromise without feeling that they have been castrated.
The battle is asymetric: the Palestinians want to destroy the Jewish state. At worst, the Jewish state wants to steal as much of Palestine as they can get away with. The longer the battle goes on, the more that will be stolen.

Ken said...

"the Palestinians want to destroy the Jewish state"

And this is where I think you err in your reasoning. Even Arafat has said he will recognize Israel’s right to exist.