
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? ...

How about new brains for people? This bit'o science actually gives me the creeps. [Tip o' the keyboard to BurstTransmission] More...

GAINESVILLE, Fla. --- A University of Florida scientist has grown a living “brain” that can fly a simulated plane, giving scientists a novel way to observe how brain cells function as a network.

The “brain” -- a collection of 25,000 living neurons, or nerve cells, taken from a rat’s brain and cultured inside a glass dish -- gives scientists a unique real-time window into the brain at the cellular level. By watching the brain cells interact, scientists hope to understand what causes neural disorders such as epilepsy and to determine noninvasive ways to intervene.

As living computers, they may someday be used to fly small unmanned airplanes or handle tasks that are dangerous for humans, such as search-and-rescue missions or bomb damage assessments.

1 comment:

gberke said...

But can they shit on your car?
More important, that clump of cells right now exceeds the usefullness of the mind of our president.