
Friday, August 27, 2004

Hello, Mainstream Press. Is There Anybody Home?

Ok, so maybe blaming the mainstream press isn't fair since it is the mainstream press that got the news and the mainstream press that I got the news from BUT... This sort of incompetence should be making HEADLINES.

"Showing none of the alarm about [North Korea's] growing arsenal that he once voiced regularly about Iraq, [Bush] opened his palms and shrugged when an interviewer noted that new intelligence reports indicate that the North may now have the fuel to produce six or eight nuclear weapons."

1 comment:

gberke said...

That's a rhetorical question.
Acutally, even asking it is an anachronism: a "mainstream press" simply doesn't exist anymore.
Today, for instance, the Washington Post has BIG coverage on
1) our ambivalence about Vietnam (duh!)
2) how the presidents miscalcuations (global warming, war, et al) might have (oh my god! the horror!) cost him some points! Ohhh, shiiiiiiiiiit!