
Saturday, August 28, 2004

Billionaires For Bush: Our Candidate

Got a bumpersticker from these folks today. Put it and a Kerry/Edwards sticker on my car, leaving room for the "Canada here I come" sticker, if things should go poorly.

1 comment:

gberke said...

I've thought of that, too. However, I won't put that bumper sticker on unless and until I really mean it, I really do plan to go. Then my bumper sticker will say "Bye bye US: gone to Canada"
Or Mexico, or France, or where ever.
People might say, oh, he just left because he had a better job there, or he wanted health care free from the government, or he fled because of the terrorists (no, he fled from the policies that made the US unliveable), or (courting the Hispanic vote) he didn't like Mexicans.
Well, I'd go to Canada for the same reasons people say they come here: freedom and opportunity.