
Monday, August 30, 2004

Is 'Not George Bush' Enough? (

See now, I can't tell. The things Raspberry says (that Kerry is sort of a vapor) feel true to me, from what I've seen and felt when Kerry speaks, from the things that Dean said, that Nader says, and Kerry does not. And the tax rollbacks are really really insignificant, and that also exposes the ridculous profligacy of George Bush: a couple of K to a single person with 250K of TAXABLE income???
Or I am being played by the GOP machine?
Fast food, political advertising, and pornography: they all work on people way way down where no one is supposed to be without asking permission, bypassing our humanity.
Well, I can spot porn, I know about fast food, but all the advertising has a huge subliminal content...
I can't shake the feeling that Kerry is sort of a Manchurian candidate: chosen by them, for us, to lose. Could it possibly be that Kerry'll be harmless and ineffective after he wins?
Nah: when you're getting a beating, you just need the beating to stop. Anybody but Bush absolutely fills that requirement.

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