
Thursday, August 26, 2004

Dirty Tricks, Bush Style

Any student of Bush family campaigns could have seen the swift boat shiv shining a mile away. This old family has traditions – horseshoes, fishing, bad syntax and having the help do the dirty work in campaigns as well as the kitchen. And they are very good at getting jobs done without leaving fingerprints, without compromising their patrician image and their alleged character.

But despite Kerry’s own Brahmin lineage, patrician bearing and vast wealth, he's a poor relation when it comes to hiring help to do the dirty work.

Poor Georgy, he can't help it, he was born with a silver spoon up his nose.

1 comment:

gberke said...

Nice link!
Looks like Bush really wanted Kerry (instead of Dean)...
Also, it seems to be incontrovertible (sp?) money and media totally kick ass on democracy. (We already ceded the courts to money.)
But it isn't just raw money: the GOP is buying TALENT! They are putting together a really good show. THAT is interesting.
Have to note that it was the war powers of the US that won the second world war. Democracy, freedom? I don't see the cause-effect to creating the war machine.