
Sunday, August 08, 2004

"The System was Blinking Red."

An interesting read from the 9/11 report: you don't hear this or see this in mass media. You cannot read it and not conclude that the president did not mismanage information.
And IMHO, that's old hat.
It's not what he did that's troubling. It's not even what he's done since. It is what he is doing NOW and what he is GOING to do!
After Bush is removed from office, he should be asked (we cannot by law require it) that he leave the country.


Ken said...

Wow. I think Geo. W might leave willingly if the jail door was his other option. I still think we should revive tarring and feathering. I'd like to see Cheney running down the street with a cloud of feathers trailing.

Anonymous said...

Tarring a feathering was no joke: the tar was hot, as tar is wont to be. It seriously burned the skin. Putting feathers on the victim was just to keep the tar off of everything else, and keep it on the person, as if removing tar from burned skin was going to be easy.
Oh, when they rode them out on a rail? that was pretty much naked, stradling a wooden post... that surely bounced as badly as any horse.
Not nice.
However, it did serve to place the person for ever in contempt.