
Friday, August 27, 2004

With Base Hit - Rove Hopes for a Homerun.

Now we can see why the Bush team spent so much time reaffirming their base. I thought it might have been due to Kerry’s momentum out of the convention and the sense in Rep circles of doubt, a lack of hope. I still believe that some of this is true but from what I’ve seen in the last week there also seems to be a reaffirmation of the base because the Bush team is moving away from them. In the past week we’ve seen Cheney admit his daughter’s homosexuality and make the statement that same sex marriage should be a state not federal decision. In the past week we’ve seen the administration state that greenhouse gasses are responsible for the warming we’ve been experiencing. Then today we learn that Bush now states that he “miscalculated” on post war Iraq. Wow, count them, three Flip-Flops in one week. All this, no doubt, stems from polls that Karl Rove must have that shown Bush losing if he doesn’t reach out to the middle and stop appearing arrogant. Roves original strategy worked really well. Let’s see how this angle pans out…

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