
Thursday, August 05, 2004

Who is this Freud guy anyway?

From a news conference this morning the White House resident lets the truth slip out.

"Third, this bill meets our commitment to America's Armed Forces by preparing them to meet the threats of tomorrow. Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. We must never stop thinking about how best to defend our country when we all must always be forward-thinking."

added by gmb 8/8/2004
Bob Herbert calls it A Failure of Leadership
It seems so simple: just a failure of leadership. How bad could that be?
Maybe just a failure to be careful with the gun, a failure to be careful with 200 thousands guns and bombs, a failure to pay attention.
After Bush is defeated, won't you please join me in asking him to leave the country?

1 comment:

gberke said...

Pushing the envelope: how many times are we supposed to listen to his gaffs and say "oh well, we know what he's trying to say"
What I think we are seeing are the words from a mind that has really NOT thought the problem through. From faith based charity to faith based government.
Nobody who is not the son of an ex president, himself ingratiated into the oil companies, could possibly rise to this office. This man is NOT running the country: hail King George. Not president, but monarch, king.