
Monday, August 09, 2004

why wall street wants google to fail

So, the "script"* you hear is that google is going to take everyone for a ride. And that's the script that will be played again and again. Like the script you heard when there was an energy crisis in California, that they had brought it on themselves, that there was no collusion.
No, I don't see conspiracy everywhere, not at all. I can read. I can see that Google's offer is one that is chosen to maximize the money that goes to them, and not to the underwriter or friends of the underwriter.
So, did you try to buy any of the Netscape IPO? It simply was not for sale. Not to you. But you can bid on google. Just like anyone else. But that's not the big story... the big story is the guys that used to get handed the IPO? They are just like everyone else, like you, and how shitty is that?
*media script": a story line that shapes coverage, often in the teeth of the evidence.
paul krugman

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