
Wednesday, June 02, 2004

The 2nd caption contest?

Bush With Broken Umbrella


Ken said...

Dick, this wasn't in the script, now what am I supposed to say?

Ken said...

Uh, heh.

Pam said...

This funnel ain't workin'.

gberke said...

awww, shit.... he did that on purpose. He was having fun. He was being silly. He was playing, being cute.
So, you cannot get him there (as in Hamlet, he is safe while he is praying, or the like...)
I wonder at our species though, myself included, that we are not more focused on a serious, life threatening danger.
It will not matter to us until we ourselves are targeted, and heading for death, we will note that those who are watching, like us just moments before, don't really care.
Genuine farm raised, bred for passivity and good shopping habits, with a religiously obedient strain working its way in.