So it is now just political squabbling to mislead Congress. Some might say that misleading Congress by deliberately not including information is really just a form of lying. Luckily for us, this administration has brought integrity back to the White House (whose White House, Nixon’s?)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch… It seems that Russia is suffering from a good old fashioned dose of unregulated capitalism. Back in the good ol’ days before FDR and the New Deal it was not uncommon for there to be runs on banks. A little nervousness about the soundness of a bank and suddenly all banks would have lines of customers wanting to withdraw their money. But our buddies at CATO, the “libertarian” think tank (that seems to have a bunch of positive things to say about the Bush administration despite the fact that it is the least libertarian administration for decades if not for ever) want us to know that FDIC is not so great an idea after all. My best guess is that FDIC might well be on the chopping block come a second Bush installment. If it’s true, I’m sure the press will find out from a senior White House Official.
"Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die."
Herbert Hoover
1 comment:
The logic of removing insurance is breathtaking: putting a mat under the trapeze artist makes him sloppy. Insuring your property for fire makes you a fire hazard. Setting money aside for health care fails to optimize use of funds. Indeed, diversification is a sure way to reduce your chances of getting really really rich.
Heating your house makes you unprepared for the cold weather, as does this namby pamby thing of wearing clothes.
These people are so divorced and sheltered from reality that only a good ass kicking can bring them down to earth.
A public hanging would serve to keep the discourse at least anonymous.
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