
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

DHS | Department of Homeland Security | Emergencies & Disasters

Consider this: given the size and scope and mission of Homeland Security, almost any civic disturbance can be treated as a terrorist attack, a threat against the homeland. The cop, the fireman, the bureacrat: all devoted to protection of the homeland, and you'd better behave yourself!
Similarly, any personal or civic need for resources must compete against Homeland Security.
The very existence of the organization coupled with its size has institutionalized the logic of war in the fabric of American life. In the same manner in which war demands all resources ahead of any other by being the bastian of survival, of existence, Homeland security finds dire threat everywhere, and must vociferously object to funds diverted for luxuries such as parks, healt care, or an environment that is unnecessarily cozy, clean or fresh.
And ah yes, Joseph Lieberman, lays claim to the brilliant idea and much of the campaign will focus on the UNDERFUNDING (!) of Homeland Security!
And people might dare to complain that they are hungry when the survival of the nation is at stake? Privacy? Free movement? Taking pictures of monuments? Just what the enemies of freedom need to further their murderous plots.
I don't know that absent Joe Lieberman we would NOT have Homeland Security. But that schmuck was eagerly the first in line and the noisiest. Thanks, Joe. Democrataic Senator and ex candidate for the vice presidency. Oh, yeah, and another man imbued with religious rectitude and certainty.

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