
Friday, January 21, 2005

Fair and Balanced

Check out the video linked to above.

Fair And Balanced

On Fox News Channel, you're free to speak about the coronation of George W... unless you've got the nerve to criticize Dear Leader. Then you get a Fox News MeltdownTM.


gberke said...

can't get i film to play no how... bummer

gberke said...

We know Fox sucks. We know the pundits take sids, and rather blatantly.
But the Bush klan: these are political and/or religious zealots.
Those liberals who fail to exercise their 4th amendment rights, well, I think the expression, as applied to traffic is "they were right, dead right, but just as dead as if they were wrong"
Hate is what people do when a secure law promisses swift and secure prosecution if you assault or kill. Absent that law, people who hate will assualt, will kill.
Bush has declared a holy war... the world doesn't need to fucking vote! it needs to eat!