
Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Creationist Museum in the Heartland: Yep. Kentucky.

Take yours kids.
Lots of Heartland shit. Is there no Headland? Brainland? Mindland?
Hmmm: Texas would be perfect for Dickland.


Ken said...

Boy, two years ago the Onion headline "Creationist Museum Acquires 5,000-Year-Old T. Rex Skeleton" was funny.

gberke said...

Quaint, I think. Yes, these primitive Christians are quaint. Mostly they are not dangerous, almost never eat their enemies, but it is considered very very bad manners to question their primitive beliefs and they can become quite violent, and do kill their opponents.
(There is actually no reliable record of their eating them though.)
In addition to religious icons, they are attracted strongly to money. Many Christians have in fact adopted more modern practice, but in the interest of safety and community refrain from comment and are rarely vociferous in their views, but some more brave (or reckless) members do speak out.
While it was expected that the 21s century was to provide some impetus to a more graceful encorporation and tolerance of the modern world, that goal has been moved to the 22nd century. One feels this may in fact be the time when real change does occur, but cautious hopes are better than rash pronouncements.