
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Running Headlong into the 13th Century

This from Talking Points Memo on a statement from one of our nations newly recognized moral authorities (newly recognized due to the overwhelming landslide of the President after he ran his campaign on the question of our nation's moral decay): Jame Dobson of Focus on the Family. Or, as said on TPM, Mullah Dobson.

“Homosexuals are not monogamous. They want to destroy the institution of marriage,” Dobson said.

“It will destroy marriage. It will destroy the Earth.”


gberke said...

The homosexual issue is a bait and switch. It opens the door and fails to guard it.
We are looking at old people, long time relationships being finalized. Heterosexuals relationships that had lasted 10 years are also likely to succeed. It's the new ones that fail.
Male homosexuals have been marked by promiscuity, and it is the nature of the beast.
Civil unions make sense: an unmarried person or either sex faces significant risks. I see great sense in civil unions for purely social and financial reasons.
But same sex marriage: too much, too fast. Liberals are always too quick to give away what is not theirs. (Conservatives, on the other hand, are quick to take what is not theirs)

Matt said...

A writeup by about this.