
Friday, November 05, 2004

My First Move To Take Back America

Moderate Republicans want to take back their party from the extreme fringe that has a grip on it. But they are ineffective. It's time we help them.

Next week I will register as a Republican to stop the religious right (which BTW, is neither) from turning the country into a theocracy. I will vote for the most liberal person in the primary and then, most likely, vote Democratic in the general election.

What do you think?


Ken said...

OK, I have calmed somewhat. Anyway, registering in Boulder as a Republican might send them further to the right...

Anonymous said...

Gee, I think that is interesting. Howver, you do risk contamination.
But why not join the republican party? why shouldn't one move to where the vote is? We are not democrats and republicans, but americans, and we can move freely to shape a party more to our liking: we need some choice, and we need the GOP to be an alternative.
If an when we get a reasonable GOP person, we will have a choice, and might not vote democratic.
On the other hand, McCain is a reasonable man, but apparently being a republican trumps that. So by electing faux statement in the GOP, we could totally do ourselves in.
Like, in NY, we have Hilary Clinton (next presidential candidate: yuch) and Schumer, both of whom voted for the war, and Schumer wants to be Governor of NY when we Eliot Spitzer who could be governor! And HE is presidential, totally. Really bright, really tough.