
Thursday, November 11, 2004 Investigate the Vote

The reason to investigate the election is not to determine if Kerry could possibly have won. The point is to document and publicize the problems and pitfalls affecting the current electronic voting systems in order to improve the validity, reliability, and public confidence in future elections.

Tell Congress to Investigate the 2004 Election

1 comment:

gberke said...

Statistical analysis is coming out: ALL the errors are to the Bush side. All of them.
On the other hand, the Kerry strategy: quietly gather the evidence. If it is there, present it in strength. And he may have the advantage of having a far more willing electorate after Falujah, rising interest rates, one helluva winter, serious global warming...
On the other hand, Bush WILL be pressed by the sane members of his party and he might actually be motivated now that he doesn't have to prove he can win anymore. He might be motivated to actually govern. It has been argued that it is simply too late for anyone to repair the damage. Not in the nex 4 years.
And if pigs could fly they wouldn't bump their asses when they hopped.