
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

World Reacts to Free Iraqi Elections

"The jubilant mayor of this beleaguered city called for the construction of a monument to George W. Bush. The Democratic Party's standard-bearer in the 2004 presidential election questioned the legitimacy of Sunday's elections here. From the unbridled optimism of the president of the United States to the cynicism of his political opponents, voices were heard around the world on Monday as leaders and average citizens alike registered their opinions of Sunday's elections in Iraq."
When you see what one man has to gain from victory, you can understand why his opposition, loyal or no, are willing to fight so very very desperately for his defeat.
But, still now: who is this man to whom victory has been given? What man, risen above the rest on a perceived good deed, proceeds to tunnel quickly and deeply and dismantle the pillars of society? It is hard to separate means from ends: they may be only the very same thing.
Disturb a man while he is celebrating, while he is euphoric by whatever means, and he will fight you. Take away the bottle of the alcoholic, he will attack. Stay the bladed hand of the crusader from the path to a conquered heart, save him his soul: he will not thank you, but turn on you at his first convenience.
Wait. Be careful. "For Ceasar was an honorable man"

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