
Monday, February 07, 2005

"money for war and nothing else" Bush and McCain agree

"President Bush today unveiled a $2.57 trillion budget that eliminates dozens of politically sensitive domestic programs, including funding for education, environmental protection and business development, while proposing significant increases for the military and international spending."
"With the deficits that we're now running, I'm glad the president is coming over with a very austere budget," Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said on ABC's "This Week." "I hope we in Congress will have the courage to support it."


Ken said...

Now we see part 2 of the Bush Revolution. The part that had to wait until after he was elected.

If only these revolutionaries would run on what they plan to do rather than on imagry and false promises. If the people want this revolution, run on it in the platform.

gberke said...

The significant piece of news, the final straw, is McCain.
Bush? He was re elected, after pulling exactly the same thing in the first administration. There is no one, not a single person who voted for Bush and says "oh, shit! I was fooled."
Bush supporters don't care. The dead don't care. It's like that.