
Saturday, February 05, 2005

Blue Light Special


Ken said...

This photo is straight from the white house web site. Why the blue lights? They could have easily trimmed those out. Is it to accentuate the head and hand (like a halo of sorts, his head and hand are chosen by god) or is it the calming affect of the color blue?

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Woody Allen, in a stand up routine, describes setting up his apartment in anticipation of inviting a woman over. He has set up to small spot lights "to give me the appearence of being 3 dimensional"
Yeah, that's why the blue lights.
But it is a trick of knowledge in dealing with the president. If you were going to speak to some tribe and they thought that only people with a bone in their nose told the truth, you'd be stupid to NOT put a bone in your nose.
You, gentle reader, are influenced by color.(You are looking for the bone in his nose.) So, remove the blue light and the man is screwed. A simple solution: turn off the TV, and listen to the radio. Now, they are going to play with the frequencies there too, but, at least you've cut off some of paths of the drugs to your system.
Again, the man invades and kills people but! he is saved by shining some blue lights on him! huzzah!
One thing about dogs: butts don't lie. They deserve more respect.