
Friday, December 10, 2004

This Is Funny

President Bush is moving quickly to create a new, tighter and more disciplined domestic policy team to pursue transforming the way Americans save for retirement, pay taxes and seek legal damages

To build public support and circumvent critics in Congress and the media, the president will travel the country and warn of the disastrous consequences of inaction, as he did to sell his Iraq and terrorism policies during the first term, White House officials said.

Yes, as he did to sell the Iraq war; with lies, bad data, and belligerence.

"Mr. Congressman, you are against the White House's move to privatize social security, why do you hate America?"


gberke said...

from the article:
"Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has been tapped to assist Bush in promoting the agenda."
What in hell is wrong with that man??

Ken said...

Maybe it's more like: "What in the world does Bush HAVE on that man?"

gberke said...

"You can't cheat on honest man" and I would suggest you cannot "have" something on a man unless there is something wrong.
On another tack: I find it hard to believe that there are NO good points, some reasonable views to be had pushing the private investment, no rational points of view. Does everything have to be ALL bad and does it all have to be SHOUTED at me? Couched in language that is inflamtory? Do I really have to s"we expect we will have to kill about 125 thousand Iraqi's to take Falujah", can I NOT judge from the mere facts of that statement that I'd like too see more data about that plan... that that is a LOT of lives, and injuries and on and on. (Of late, we find that not only is Falujah taken, but it is now uninhabitable, contaminated with sewage and disease and rabid dogs and what not.)
I wonder, is that what happened in WW II when Hitler presented, in calm tones, his "Final Solution"? That this mankind, this pinacle of God's Achievement, cannot understand unless the information is dramatized like a Disney production with well placed musical clues.
Ah, but then anyone who has spent some quality time with a good dog knows that humans can make no claim to having it all. Man, there is something about a good dog! You can go to church on Sunday or take a walk with your dog and he'll lead you to God quite well, but, I digress.

Ken said...

"I find it hard to believe that there are NO good points, some reasonable views to be had pushing the private investment, no rational points of view."

Absolutely. BUT, no one is discussing this for what it is. A Republican plan to eliminate some or all of social security. We can talk about the plusses and minuses of that plan, but not if we don't call it what it is. This is NOT a rescue plan in any way shape or form. BTW, We should hold Greenspan accountable; he came up with a plan to "rescue" social security that raised taxes on the lower incomes for the promise of guaranteed return in old age. Then he favors lowing the tax burden on the wealthy and cries about the deficit. BASTARD.

gberke said...

"A Republican plan eo reduce or eliminate social security" unless I miss something is all very bad. Nothing nice there at all.
How might some people see reducing social security as a good thing? For instance, doesn't the government do some magic with that fund, borrowing from it? Grover Norquist wants to shrink government "until it's small enough to be drowned in a bath tub". See, some people think that is a good thing. Make government smaller so it can stop helping so many people who really should be allowed to simply fail, and thus allowing other people to get ahead.
In "The Incredibles", the ultimate evil that was planned was that EVERYONE would be given special powers, everyone! Then there would be nobody special, because, well, everyone would be special. Everyone would have god-like powers. This is very very bad. (Kind of hard to grok, but there is some kind of problem there, I think. What if no matter how hard you worked, how great you were, you would never be special?)