
Saturday, December 04, 2004


Memes are quite interesting. Propagandists (marketers and advertisers) have run with the idea. Some/most believe memes to be "viral" and want to tap them. I take it a step further and say our conception of reality and how we interact with that reality is based on a memome (analogous to genome), a cohesive collection of self reinforcing and replicating, interactive memes. Under this concept, conversations and other interactions (a la this forum) are a form of intercourse (instead of physical intercourse, it is psychological) where memes are shared, and are either strengthened or weakened in the process. That is why what you do, and who you do it with, shapes your reality. That is also why, in my opinion, it is “healthy” to cast your interactions widely (like with genes, too much inbreeding creates a mutant. Can you say Limbaugh and his ditto heads?). I sometimes listen to right-wing & Zealot (i.e. fundamentalist Christian) radio and read National Review and other conservative press. And I try to keep cordial relations with “healthy” members of the “other” side. In reality, I pobably don't do enough of that. It's hard here in the Boulder bubble.

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