
Saturday, October 08, 2005

This is one to remember as in "don't forget"

From the "so you want to be an atheist" dept
Also from the warning section on "Atheism for god dammed doomed to hell Dummies":

Recently departed (for points unknown) Rehnquist noted that the "under god" words were added by a unanimous congress
"'That's only because no atheist can get elected to public office 'elicited so much applause that Rehnquist had to threaten to clear the gallery."

The author is, and I quote, a self professed atheist.
(you could put "communist, trans sexual, eater of human flesh" or that sort of thing.
Oh,I left out pedophilia.


gberke said...

Letter to the author
One has to take it deeper: why are people viscerally afraid of "atheists"...

Here's a suggestion: An atheist is considered to be a person who would answer "yes" when asked "and do you think you know everything!!??"
Follow this unspoken logic:
I'm an atheist
Does that mean you don't believe in God?
You mean you're absolutely certain that there is no God????

you've got two answers possible here, with their response...

1) ummmm, well...
Aha!!! so you do believe!

2) yes I am absolutely certain
How could you be?? How could you know everything! I mean, you'd have to know everything to be certain there was no god!!!

Deal with that logic, because it is in there, unspoken. The question being asked, at an animal level is "are you responsible to anyone or anything in the world? are you humble before the great unknown, is there some set of guiding rules that you abide by"

All those are catchwords for "god" and that's why the ritual response: the pack is nervous with the possible presence of someone they see as proclaiming to be outside and not answerable to the pack

gberke said...

Oh, there is a third and longer way to the same answer...

no I don't know everything
well then how can you know there is no god?
well, I really don't know it for sure, it's only that I have no evidence to the contrary, indeed, no evidence that there even is a contrary, but no, I don't know everything
Aha! so there could be a god!!! ha!