
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

When wondering about Bush, remember Norquist

A key and senior strategist of the Republican Party for decades, and for Bush for all of his service, Norquist says:
"He wants to shrink the size of government until it is small enough to drag it up to the bathroom and drown it in the tub".
He doesn't want to make it efficient, effective, better: he wants to kill it. That of course is a euphemism for "overthrow and replace". But he doesn't really need to make it small: anything that diminshes the government ability to be effective, anything that runs it out of money, discredits it and its people or strengthens alternatives to "government" like ultra rich contributors: that's just fine.
These people did not mince words. They told you what they wanted. Believe them, that is what they are doing.


Ken said...

And the plan is working too...

From FEMA to WEMA (subscription required)

"This was the only place we could find water those first days," said Rashan Smith, who was shopping with her three children at Wal-Mart on Saturday. "I still haven't managed to get through to FEMA. It's hard to say, but you get more justice at Wal-Mart."

gberke said...

Ah, just perfect. A superstore outperforms the Bush Administration. That is just what Norquist would love: why not drown such a government?
Y'know, you would think that no one in the disaster recovery profession ever considered a flood, evacuation, etc. No, no one in the Bush team could or did: they were good guys doin a good job, and Bush, the president wasn't interested: he was playing golf.
No one wanted to bring him the bad news. Remember, he does not watch television, he does not read the news.