
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What is the sound of rats fleeing a sinking ship?


I've added a new selection of reader mail below. Just to give some feeling for the overall tide of NRO reader opinion: Since my post on the president's VFW address went up early Tuesday morning, I've been flooded with almost 200 emails - all but five of them sharing my concerns.

I know well how beleaguered a White House can feel in tough times. I know that they look to their friends in places like NRO for support, not criticism - and I know that the people who bear the responsibility must contend with a wide range of difficulties often unimagined by those who do not bear the responsibility.

But all that acknowledged: This war and this war president are in real political trouble - and the administration is responding with deadly dangerous passivity. It's not the administration's critics who are delivering this warning. It's the administration's strongest supporters. Don't believe me. Believe the emails below.

1 comment:

gberke said...

George Bush has never been president. He has held office but never been presidential: it takes great powers to escape that, but he's done it.
9/11: that's all there is, that's all there was.
9/11 is snake oil. I heard a community college guy blaming enrollments costs (his college has NY States highest) on 9/11. And people want to get rid of capital punishment!:-)