
Friday, February 27, 2004

Many distinguished scientists are accusing the Bush administration of
distorting and suppressing scientific analysis in the government's
decision-making process. Looks like finally they are drawing a line
in the sand. Some of their examples:

"The report charges that administration officials have:

Ordered massive changes to a section on global warming in the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's 2003 Report on the Environment.
Eventually, the entire section was dropped.

Replaced a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fact sheet on
proper condom use with a warning emphasizing condom failure rates.

Ignored advice from top Department of Energy nuclear materials
experts who cautioned that aluminum tubes being imported by Iraq
weren't suitable for use to make nuclear weapons.

Established political litmus tests for scientific advisory boards. In
one case, public health experts were removed from a CDC lead paint
advisory panel and replaced with researchers who had financial ties
to the lead industry.

Suppressed a U.S. Department of Agriculture microbiologist's finding
that potentially harmful bacteria float in the air surrounding large
hog farms.

Excluded scientists who've received federal grants from regulatory
advisory panels while permitting the appointment of scientists from
regulated industries.

"I don't recall it ever being so blatant in the past," said Princeton
University physicist Val Fitch, a 1980 Nobel Prize winner who served
on a Nixon administration science advisory committee. "It's just time
after time after time. The facts have been distorted." "

Also look at the report itself:

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