
Thursday, March 10, 2005 | The TiVo Homepage

If you have a TV and you don't have Tivo, you are wasting your time, your money, and letting TV run your life.
NOT having Tivo is, in a word, silly. It costs $100. There is a monthly subscription fee: it is well worth it.
Oh, you can transfer Tivo recordings to your computer. You can print them to VHS or DVD, whatever.
For those who do NOT watch TV, that's fine: you'll never watch "TV" again. You will only watch Tivo: you will watch what you want when you want, and if you've found you've "caught a fish" you don't like: you throw it back. Better yet, your kids never watch TV again: they watch Tivo and you get to say what's on Tivo: end of story.
Phone rings? hit pause: the machine goes into record mode immediately. Continue watching tomorrow if you feel like it.

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